Manuscript Submission

The Journal of Transcultural Nursing  is the official journal of the Transcultural Nursing Social club. It is a peer-reviewed, multidisciplinary journal that aims to advance the field of cross cultural nursing and healthcare. Its mission is to contribute new cognition about the relationship between social and cultural factors related to healthcare, with a focus on improving care for persons of all cultures.  Research reports, assay and discussion articles, systematic reviews of  the literature, theoretical articles, clinical applications, and analytical case studies are desired. The journal is a member of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) .

Information and guidelines for manuscript submission (format, style, and online submission) tin exist found on the Sage webpage:

It is not necessary to send a pre-submission query. Instead, we recommend instead that authors visit the Sage webpage ( ) or the spider web site of the Transcultural Nursing Society ( world wide ) and review the table of contents and abstracts for the previous issues to view the type and scope of topics covered in this journal.


Link to Submission Data on the SAGE Publication Website:

Authors are notified when the manuscripts are received. Manuscripts are examined by the editorial staff and peer reviewed by at least two reviewers drawn from our editorial lath and panel of peer reviewers. Authors are sent comments from the reviewers but manuscripts are not returned to the authors. The journal reserves the right to edit all manuscripts to its style and space requirements.


Submission of manuscripts to one of the post-obit departments is encouraged:

•        Theory
Manuscripts apropos theory design, structure, development, utilization, awarding and critique will be presented in this department. Theories related to transcultural nursing, relationships between culture and wellness care, including ethnopharmacology or ethnonutrition, anthropological or cross cultural patterning of wellness care behavior and practices, inter and intra cultural communication, or transcultural ethics are of involvement. In addition, manuscripts discussing organizational, technological, political or economical theories that influence health intendance delivery to specific cultural groups are encouraged. Articles discussing the application of nursing theories to transcultural nursing are also suitable for submission.

•        Research
Research studies that expand the body of knowledge of transcultural nursing and wellness intendance as a homo science volition be included in this section. Studies volition be considered that use such qualitative methodologies equally: ethnography, ethnonursing, grounded theory, phenomenology, oral/life histories, critical theory, focus group methods, hermeneutics, participant ascertainment, case written report assay, pattern recognition, or other innovative methods that chronicle the dynamics of civilization to wellness care. Additionally, studies that utilize a diversity of quantitative methodologies to investigate transcultural nursing and health care phenomena are as well welcomed. Discussion and/or analytical articles on such topics every bit instrument development, or themes related to the conduction of research on these phenomena are besides encouraged. Publication of research studies requires that the letter of approval from a Man Subjects Committee (IRB) exist provided at the fourth dimension of manuscript submission. Processing of the manuscript will not begin until the IRB approval letter is received.

It is highly recommended to follow publishing guidelines recommended by the National Constitute of Wellness, National Library of Medicine(  to "specify a minimum prepare of items required for a clear and transparent account of what was done and what was found in a research study, reflecting, in particular, bug that might introduce bias into the enquiry" (adapted from the EQUATOR Network Resources Centre ).
This may include (but not limited to) the following:

i.  Espoused:  Consolidated Standards of  Reporting Trials
2. STROBE:  STrengthening the Reporting of OBservational studies in Epidemiology
3.        PRISMA: Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses
4.        MOOSE: Meta-assay of Observational Studies in Epidemiology
5.  QUOROM :  QUality Of Reporting Of Meta-analyses

Institutional Review Lath (IRB)/Homo Subjects approval : Publication of research studies requires that the letter of approval from the Institutional Review Board/Human Subjects Committee be provided at the time of manuscript submission. Processing of the manuscript will non begin until the IRB approval alphabetic character is received. IRB approval letters should be scanned or copied into a file and uploaded as a "Supplementary file not for review".

•        Instruction
Manuscripts included in this section aim to promote the understanding of the sociocultural context of the nursing educational construction, processes and outcomes. Topics may focus on the organizational culture of schools, teacher/pupil /client relationships, teaching methods, learning and cerebral styles, curricular designs, evaluation strategies and academic outcomes. Additionally, content focusing on actress-curricular strategies such every bit recruitment, advisement, peer support, financial aid and mentoring are invited. Topics relevant to teacher training and development are too solicited. Subject content may pertain to any aspect of the educational experience in the undergraduate or graduate levels, or in any setting, including clinical do, which emphasizes the linkage between culture and
educational activity.

•        Clinical Exercise
The focus of this department is to explicate the sociocultural context and universal and variant patterns influencing the commitment of nursing and health care.  Examples of topics suitable for this department include culturally defined health beliefs and values, folk and professional models of wellness care delivery, practitioner/client interactions, family and customs roles, or health care outcomes. Specific content areas may include cultural variations in symptom direction, nativity or decease rituals, use of dwelling house remedies, dietary considerations, cultural cess tools, cultural conflict resolution, use of interpreters in the clinical setting, organizational culture of wellness intendance settings, ethical-legal conflicts, or other practice-related subjects. Case studies must include the following: statement and significance of the trouble, a brief review of the literature, resentation of the case study, discussion and assay of the case study within the cultural context, conclusions, recommendations for practise and references.

•        International
This department volition highlight themes and examples of international collaborative practice, education, research and consultation. This section volition serve equally an international forum for nurses and other wellness care disciplines to share expertise, noesis, opinions and feel with nurses and wellness intendance professionals throughout the world.

•        Informational Resources
Methods of accessing data concerning transcultural nursing or health care will be the major emphasis of this department. Manufactures regarding library searches, web page listings, internet resources, computer software packages and topics on informatics related to the journal's subject matter are encouraged.  In improver, volume reviews, critiques of videotapes or educational materials, annotated bibliographies and similar cursory reports are welcomed.

Online Submission
All manuscripts should be submitted electronically to ScholarOne Manuscripts ( ). Authors volition exist asked to ready upward an online account in the SAGETRACK system, powered by ScholarOne. Information and guidelines for manuscript submission (format, style, and online submission) tin be establish on the Sage webpage:  http://tcn. . If these guidelines are not followed, the manuscript will exist rejected and returned to the author.  It is strongly encouraged to have a writing editor review the manuscript if English is a second language.

For any difficulty with on-line submission, please contact Elizabeth Marshall, Editorial Manager Telephone: (410) 321-5031 (M-F: 9AM-5PM EST).